SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
Academic Events

How to write a thesis with AI: Become a Prompting Profi


Join us for AI Day at the Faculty of Information, Media, and Design! Discover how to become a Prompting Profi with Prof. Dr. Jan-Torsten Milde and learn how AI tools can enhance your scientific writing. Don't miss this opportunity!

Calendar entry

Become a Prompting Profi with Prof. Dr. Jan-Torsten Milde

This session will guide you through the intricacies of becoming a prompting professional. Learn how to effectively utilize AI tools to streamline and improve your scientific writing process. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, this workshop will equip you with practical skills and techniques to harness the full potential of AI in your academic work.

What to expect:

  • Interactive Workshops: Hands-on sessions where you can practice using AI tools for writing and receive personalized feedback.
  • Expert Insights: Gain valuable knowledge from Prof. Dr. Jan-Torsten Milde, Hochschule Fulda, an leading expert in AI and scientific writing.
  • Resource Sharing: Access to a variety of AI tools and resources that can aid in your academic and professional development.

Who Should Attend:

  • Bachelors and Master Students from the faculty of Information, Media and Design interested in leveraging AI for scientific writing.

Why Attend

  • Enhance your scientific writing skills with the help of cutting-edge AI technology.
  • Discover innovative ways to improve productivity and accuracy in your academic work.
  • Be part of a forward-thinking community that embraces the future of AI in academia.

We look forward to seeing you at AI Day!

Portraitfoto Felicitas Völkel
M.Sc. Felicitas Völkel

School of Information, Media and Design | Faculty Manager

Professor Milde
Prof. Dr. Jan-Torsten Milde, University Fulda

Take a look at our program here!

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