SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
Research Associate

Belen Zevallos

School of Engineering and Architecture | Research Associate and Teaching Assistant | Project Coordinator LEARN[IN] & Summer School Neckar Now | Research Project Reallabor STADT-RAUM-BILDUNG | Country Ambassador Peru, Portugal, Colombia

Room: BS 11, OG 3, E03
Fax: +49 6221 6799-302
Phone: +49 6221 6799-334
Portraitfoto Belen Zevallos
About me

About me

Research Associate and Teaching Assistant at the SRH University Heidelberg
Teaching Assistant at KIT Karlsruhe, Institute for Urban Design and Housing
Doctoral candidate at School of Architecture of the University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
Co-Founder of the Architecture/Art Collective Space Transcribers
Intern at Urban Catalyst Studio, Berlin
Master in Architecture, Landscape and Urbanism at the School of Architecture of the University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
Architecture Studies (Erasmus) at the Architecture Faculty of Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
Bachelor in Architecture at the School of Architecture of the University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
Architecture Studies at the PUCP,Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru

I have contributed to these publications

Books and brochures

  • Kirschbaum, M., Zevallos, B. (Eds.)(2021): LEARN[IN] a matter of space. Heidelberger Hochschulverlag.
  • Gayh, U & Zevallos, B. (Eds.)(2020, September): Neckar Now Experience. Documentation of the Summer School Neckar Now: Transformative approaches for a sustainable future – engineering and architectural perspectives – E-Book, Heidelberg, Deutschland.

Non Peer-Review

  • Kirschbaum, M., Wacker, A., Zevallos, B.(2020): "Das schulische Lernraumportfolio: vielfältige Räume für das Lernen von morgen." In: Schulen. Neubau | Umbau | Sanierung. Ernst & Sohn Special, März 2020, S. 18-22.

Book chapters

  • Benighaus C., Zevallos B., Eller C., Hilligardt M., Alimardani M. & Benighaus L. (2019): Die „Exchange-Veranstaltungsreihe“ – ein Planungs- und Steuerungsinstrument für transdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekte -Buchkapitel. In R. Defila & A. Di Giulio (Eds.)(2019), Transdisziplinär und transformativ forschen. Eine Methodensammlung). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-27135-0.
  • Zevallos, B. (2018, November): Common Ground (pp.179-185) -Buchkapitel. Transcribe: Participatory Actions in Braga’s Social Housing Estates 1st edition, Braga, Portugal.

Conference papers and lectures

  • Zevallos, B.& Kirschbaum, M.  (2020, Dezember ): Digital Learning: Making a case for Space
    Ein Einblick in die räumlichen Folgen des digitalen Lernens-Vortrag. CORE Konferenz 2020 | Future Skills: Expertisen nutzen - Hochschulbildung für die digitale Zukunft  Heidelberg, Germany
  • Zevallos, B. (2020, September): Designing a democratic future: Making a case for Transdisciplinary Research Approaches -Vortrag. 1st Digital Conference “Democratia-Aqua-Technica” from 24th until 25th of September 2020, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
  • Zevallos, B. (2020, August): Methodological workshop for visualization and application to the project-Vortrag. Summer School Neckar Now: Transformative approaches for a sustainable future – engineering and architectural perspectives, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
  • Gayh U., Zevallos B. & Garcia C. (2019, November): Neckar Now Summer School Visible CORE – Insight and inside of CORE Principle.- Poster Präsentation, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
  • Schneider, S. & Zevallos, B. (2019, November): Learning abroad: Wie, wo und wann? Ein Einblick in die Lernumgebungen chinesischer Studierende in China und Deutschland-Vortrag. DVCS Jahrestagung „Wissensorte in China“, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
  • Zevallos, B. (2019, May): How, where and when: learning outside of the classroom-Vortrag. LEARN[IN] Symposium, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
  • Zevallos B. (2018, November): Real-world laboratories: Reallabor STADT – RAUM – BILDUNG-Vortrag. Alumni Meeting IGCS, Heidelberg, Deutschland.