SRH Hochschule Heidelberg

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrike Gayh

School of Engineering and Architecture | Professor of Environment and Process Engineering | Study Programme Director Water Technology (M.Eng.)

Room: BS 11, OG 2, 212b
Fax: +49 6221 6799-302
Phone: +49 6221 6799-320
Portraitfoto Ulrike Gayh
About me

About me

Professor SRH Heidelberg University of Applied Sciences

Study Programme Director Water Technology (M.Eng.)

Actual projects: 
Initiative Democratia-Aqua-Technica
Summerschool Neckar Now

Process Development Manager in R&D

Solvay Acetow GmbH, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)

Focus: Process simulation/optimization in the field of cellulose acetate production as well as acetone and acetic acid recovery processes. Development of new measuring systems and integration of these into the production process

Research Assistant

IInstitute for Wastewater Management and Water Protection, TU Hamburg-Harburg

Project management of the sub-project "Use of solubility promoters and oxidants for the selective absorption of odorous substances from the co-fermentation of food waste" of the international joint project "Odour Control in the food industry"

Research focus: treatment of biogas

Process Engineering

Technical University Hamburg-Harburg

Diploma thesis: "Biological-chemical treatment of black water in a nutrient recycling system"

Process Engineering

ERASMUS: Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France


I have contributed to these publications

Books and brochures

  • Gayh, U., Turk-Seculic M., B. (Eds.) (2023, April): Democratia-Aqua-Technica – Innovative technical solution concepts for sustainable water resources management to promote the reduction of regional and local distribution conflicts, ISBN: 978-3-9822521-4-8, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
  • Bedu-Addo, K-. & Gayh, U (Eds.) (2021, March): Spaß mit Wasserexperimenten, Booklet zum Weltwassertag, Heidelberg, Deutschland
  • Gayh, U & Turk-Seculic M., B. (Eds.) (2021, February): Democratia-Aqua-Technica – E-Book ISBN: 978-3-9822521-1-7, Heidelberg, Deutschland
  • Gayh, U & Zevallos, B. (Eds.)(2020, September): Neckar Now Experience. Documentation of the Summer School Neckar Now: Transformative approaches for a sustainable future – engineering and architectural perspectives – E-Book ISBN 978-3-9822521-0-0, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
  • Gayh, U. (2012): Process intensification of biological desulphurisation of biogas. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Band 80, Hrsg. GFEU e. V., ISBN 978-3-942768-05-4
  • Gayh, U.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Efficient Biological Treatment of Biogas. In: Odour Control, Verlag Abfall aktuell, Stuttgart, Hamburger Berichte, Bd. 36, ISBN 978-3-9812867-4-8, S. 53-68

Non Peer-Review

  • Antholz, M., Behrendt, J., Bettendorf, T., Braun, U., Gayh, U., Otterpohl, R. (2010): Der Schwarzwasserkreislauf - eine Neukonzeption zum effizienten Umgang mit Abwasser und seinen Inhaltsstoffen. gwf Wasser/Abwasser, 151(3), 294-307
  • Gayh, U., Hüppop, W., Tang, J., Toprak, M., Behrendt, J. and Otterpohl, R. (2010): Einsatz von Huminstoffen in der Biogasentschwefelung. gwf - Gas/Erdgas, S. 624-629
  • Antholz, M.; Behrendt, J.; Bettendorf, T.; Braun, U.; Gayh, U.; Otterpohl, R. (2009): Domestic Wastewater Recycling: Toilet-to-toilet and tap-to-tap, instead of toilet-to-tap. gwf Wasser Abwasser International, S1/2009


Book chapter

  • Gayh, U., De Regil Sánchez, I. L,  Bedu‑Addo, K., Waltenberg, D., (2023)Caracterizatión del agua de humedla construido en Alemania para comparative con humedal en Jalisco. Proyecto “Your ideas to practice , Ecosistema de los bio y agro emprendimientos en la región occidente de México, UNIVA, ISBN: 978-607-8153-82-4
  • Gayh, U. (2020) Integración y aplicación de los temas de energias renovables en la Universidad de SRH Heidelberg, La Eficiencia de las Energías Renovables en México D.R. © Francisco Ernesto Navarrete Báez, 2020 1st Edition, November 2020 ISBN: 978-607-8153-60-2

Conference papers and lectures

  • Gayh, U. (2023, March) Policies, regulations and guidelines for prevention and mitigation of flood and related disasters, Conference “The Revival of Rivers and Water Management”, Pune, India (11.3.2023)
  • Gayh, U., M. Turc-Seculic, B. Zierock (2021): The Initiative Democratia-Aqua-Technica - using a cross-media approach for developing sustainable projects, Third World Symposium onSustainability Science and Research, online (April 8th, 2021)
  • Gayh, U. (2020): Sustainable water resources management for water sensitive cities. Online-Presentation at the International Engineering Congress “Smart Cities: An emerging approach towards sustainable development”, Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico, Misantla, Mexico (November 27th, 2020)
  • Gayh, U. (2020): Nuevos sistemas de saneamiento alternativos. Online-Presentation at the 6o Foro Internacional Desarrollo Local Sostenible The Global Edition, Universidad del  Valle de Atemajac Campus La Piedad, La Piedad, Mexico (November 24th, 2020)
  • Gayh, U. (2020): Democratia-Aqua-Technica. Online-Presentation at V Seminario de Energias Renovables UNIVA-DAAD 2020, Universidad del  Valle de Atemajac, Guadalajara, Mexico (October 29th, 2020)
  • Gayh, U. (2019): Renewable Energies Management: Experiences at SRH University Heidelberg. Presentation at IV Seminario de Energias Renovables UNIVA-DAAD 2019, Universidad del  Valle de Atemajac, Guadalajara, Mexico (September 27th, 2019)
  • Gayh, U. (2020, September): Sustainable water resources management for water sensitive cities -Vortrag. 1st Digital Conference “Democratia-Aqua-Technica” from 24th until 25th of September 2020, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
  • Gayh U., Zevallos B. & Garcia C. (2019, November): Neckar Now Summer School Visible CORE – Insight and inside of CORE Principle.- Poster Präsentation, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
  • Behrendt, J-; Deegener, St.; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Gayh, Ul; Tettenborn, F.; Otterpohl, R. (2018): Nutrient Recovery from Toilet Waste. Presentation at Technical University of Beijing Beijing, China (March 16th, 2018)
  • Behrendt, J,; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Braun, U.; Deegener, St.; Gayh, U.; Tettenborn, F.; Wendland, C.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): Saneamiento con respeto a los recursos. Presentación en el Curso de Urbanismo y Arquitectura Girona, Cataluña, España (5 de Junio 2013)
  • Behrendt, J.; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Gayh, U.; Tettenborn, F. and Otterpohl, R. (2011): The Loo Loop System for Water Saving and Nutrient Recovery. Presentation at the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China February 27th, 2011
  • Behrendt, J.; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Gayh, U.; Tettenborn, F. and Otterpohl, R. (2011): New Developments in Resources Orientated Sanitation. Contribution at the Sino-German Scientific Seminar: Technical, financial and political solutions for energy generation from urban waste and its contribution to climate protection Xiamen, China (February 29 to March 6, 2011)
  • Gayh, U., Stooß, A., Behrendt, J. and Otterpohl, R. (2010): Desulphurisation of Biogas - Analysis, evaluation and optimisation. In Proceedings of Venice 2010. Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. 8.11 - 11.11.2010
  • Gayh, U.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Optimising Biological Desulphurisation of Biogas by Addition of Humic Substances. Proceeding 041-A of the 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation May 17-19, 2010
  • Gayh, U. (2009): Optimierung der Absorption und des biologischen Abbau von H2S aus Biogas. Biogas 2009, 2. Innovationskongress, Zentrum für Umweltkommunikation der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt [DBU], Osnabrück, 11.-12.06.2009, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 2009, Hildesheim
  • Gayh, U., Behrendt, J., Otterpohl, R. (2009): Analyse und Optimierung des biologischen Abbaus von H2S aus dem Absorbat der Biogaswäsche. In: "Abwasser als Ressource" - Kreislaufschließung, Energie- und Wertstoffrückgewinnung, Bremer Colloquium Produktionsintegrierte Wasser-/Abwassertechnik. 28.9.2009-29.09.2009. Bremen, Germany, pp. G-75 - G-80
  • Gayh, U., Behrendt, J., Otterpohl, R. (2009): Optimierung des biologischen Entschwefelungsprozesses durch den Einsatz von Huminstoffen. In: Nachhaltig wachsen mit Biogas, 4. Biogasfachkongress, 24.11.2009. Hitzacker, Germany
  • Gayh, U., Behrendt, J., Otterpohl, R. (2009): Optimising biological desulphurisation with the addition of humic substances. In: Internationale Wissenschaftskonferenz Biogas Science. 2.12.2009-4.12.2009. Erding, Germany

Public media contributions

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