SRH Hochschule Heidelberg

Virtual Lab Experience Wastewater treatment (V-Lab Water)

Virtual Lab Experience Wastewater Treatment (V-Lab Water) is the DAAD-funded project aiming to expand international teaching collaborations between the SRH University Heidelberg Germany and the University of Novi Sad (Serbia).

The School of Engineering and Architecture (SoEA) at the University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg (HSHD) in Germany and the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Novi sad in Serbia are striving to expand their international teaching collaboration to promote the internalisation of their degree programs. IVAC, with the concept of Virtual Lab Experience Wastewater Treatment, is dedicated to establishing a virtual teaching collaboration between the two universities and sustainably anchoring it in the curriculum of their collaborative degree programs.

Students from the partner universities will participate in the joint course of a study named Environmental Practicum- Water Pollution Analysis that will take place in the winter semester of 2023 as the integration of already existing modules from both universities. Students will participate in joint virtual seminars and lectures, including face-to-face workshops.

With the support of digital learning tools, students can work on their projects and exchange ideas in binational tandems. They will also be able to work in virtual collaborative seminars on Practical Lab work which are conducted with the help of HoloLens glasses. In addition, they will be able to collect wastewater samples, analyse them in their respective laboratories, and use digital tools and software required for process analysis and simulation.

Furthermore, teachers will develop a methodical-didactic teaching/learning concept which they record in a qualitative description. Students are the main actors of the practical work phases, while teachers as learning facilitators provide meaningful framework and structure.

Further informations here

Project team

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrike Gayh | John Lugongo, Kenneth Bedu-Addo, Maja Turc Seculic, Jelena Radonic

Portraitfoto Ulrike Gayh
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrike Gayh

School of Engineering and Architecture | Professor of Enviroment and Process Engineering | Study Programme Director Water

project duration:

01.03.2023 - 31.12.2023

Heidelberg, School of Engineering and Architecture